Debra Allison and Family

To Czech Republic and Back Again

Bi-monthly Newsletter


We are praising the Lord for sending a new family our way. Jana and Josef live here in our village. We were introduced to them by one Debra?s English students. Debra has also witnessed to this particular student many times yet she remains a staunch Catholic. She knew, however, that this other family might be open to the message of the gospel so she introduced us. Josef and Jana, along with their two young daughters have been with us for two consecutive weeks. We met with them again in their home to answer any questions they may have. Please pray for them to come under conviction and trust the Savior.

Sad Statictics

I have written in the past about Lenka. She is the English teacher in the middle school in our village. Debra has been tutoring her in her advanced college English course. She is the one responsible for getting Debra and the boys into the classroom to speak to the students. She was sharing some very sad statistics with Debra the other day. Out of 23 students in her class, only 7 have both a father and mother that live at home with them. That means that only 30% of Czech children are being raised in a nuclear home. This was not at all the case under communism. Adding freedom to an already secular society has only accelerated the deterioration of the family. Even this English teacher can see the problems associated with this trend although she sees no way to reverse it. Praise God, we know the way, Amen?

New Direction

Our primary focus here has always been the Czech people. I have worked extremely hard to improve my language skills to the place where I can preach each week in Czech. This is still our primary desire, that is, for Czechs to be saved and see the Lord establish Independent Baptist churches here in this country. However, we have been praying about a new outreach to the international community. There is a large number of international students studying here in the Czech Republic. All of these courses are given in English. In Brno, they are studying medicine, engineering technology, veterinary and pharmaceutical sciences. Generally the students come for two years, however, they may be here from between 6 months to 5 years. We are gathering materials in order to be prepared for this outreach. We have received one box of songbooks from Russ Hanson, fellow missionary out of Grace Bible Baptist Church. He has two other boxes ready to be shipped to us. We intend to hold back to back services on Sunday mornings. The first hour will be in Czech, followed by another in English. Please pray with us for this outreach. There are literally students here from all over the globe. Who can say what the Lord will do with the message as it goes forth? We hold to the Lord?s promise that His Word will not return to Him void, but will accomplish that which He pleases.

New Meeting Room

We are praising the Lord for providing an even better room for our church services. After a couple of scheduling conflicts with the room on the ground floor, the owner approached me to offer a different space one floor up. This is a location where we can leave our chairs set up for church. We don?t have to rearrange everything every week. There is better ventilation as well as a small countertop with a sink and two restrooms. This is a great deal for a space we only have to pay for on Sundays. Pray for the owner, Nikolaj, that he may also be saved.
